Borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and videos from thousands of public libraries worldwide.


One app, thousands of eBooks, audiobooks, and videos from your local library.

Get Started ssr节点小工具安卓版 Download from the Google Play ssr小工具官网
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Best-selling authors. New release titles. Classics and crowd-pleasers. Your local public library’s digital collection has it all. Find your next book and start reading.



Enjoy your favorite audiobooks in the mobile app, or on your computer. Our desktop app supports transfer to a variety of devices and in many cases, burning to CD for listening on the road.



Choose from a large collection of movies and TV shows. Borrow feature films, comedies, documentaries, children’s favorites, and more from within the mobile app.
(on Android and iOS only).

St. Vincent. Directed by Theodore Melfi. Chernin Entertainment, 2014. Film.



Easy to find menus make all app features, including your bookshelf, library websites, and bookmarks just a swipe or tap away.


Sync bookmarks and libraries across Android and iOS devices.

Own the reading experience

Change font size, margin, contrast and more to suit your style.

Variable-Speed Playback

Change audiobook playback speed from 1/2 speed (.5x) to double speed (2x).

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